How to configure a measurement calculation formula in IKOMSOFT?

To configure a measurement calculation formula in Ikomsoft, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the configuration module in the main navigation bar.
  2. In the Billing section, select Calculation Type.
  3. In the destination country field, select the country for which you want to apply the formula.
  4. In the description field, enter the name of the formula, for example, cubic feet.
  5. In the shipping type field, select the type of service to which the formula will be added, for example, maritime, air, or land.
  6. In the size formula field, for example, cubic feet, add divided by 1728.
  7. In the sale price field, select the highest value, weight, or volume.
  8. Select the type of weight, whether it’s pounds or kilograms.
  9. Finally, click on the “Create” button to add the formula.

If you encounter difficulties and need assistance, you can contact our technical support department for assistance.