How to perform a collection in IKOMSOFT?

  1. Log in to the Ikomsoft platform.
  2. Click on the “Pickup” module in the main menu.
  3. Search for the customer you want to collect from and click on the customer code.
  4. If the customer’s address is the same, click on the “copy” button at the bottom of the screen. If it’s not the same, fill in the fields such as name, last name, country, address, etc.
  5. Enter the date on which the collection will be made from the customer.
  6. In the status field, select “Pickup.” Only fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.
  7. If the customer is new, you can create them in the Pickup tab under the customer section.
  8. In the Pickup section, proceed to fill in the fields as we did before, filling in the Pickup field.
  9. After completing the aforementioned fields, click on the “create” button.
  10. You can view the status of the Pickup in the “reports” tab.

If you have any doubts about how to perform a Pickup in iKomsoft, do not hesitate to contact our technical support department for assistance.