How to set up a corporate outbound email in IKOMSOFT?

  1. Gather Configuration Information: To set up a corporate outbound email, you’ll need to know the email server configuration details, such as the SMTP server address, port, and login credentials.
  2. Open the settings in IKOMSOFT, look for the “Agencies and Branches” option, and click on it.
  3. In the “Email Settings” section, fill in the required fields, such as email address, password, SMTP server address, and port.
  4. Configure Authentication: Make sure to configure SMTP authentication correctly, including the username and password.
  5. Test the Configuration: Before saving the changes, perform a configuration test to ensure everything is working correctly.

Keep in mind that the exact setup may vary depending on the software or platform you’re using, and you may need to consult the product documentation or seek online assistance for more detailed instructions.