How to check the package tracking history of a guide or invoice in IKOMSOFT?
To check the package tracking history of a guide or invoice in Ikomsoft, follow these steps: If you still have doubts about how to check...
How to register an internal note from a client in IKOMSOFT?
To register an internal note from a client in Ikomsoft, follow these steps: If you still have doubts about how to register an internal note...
How to register a shipment claim in IKOMSOFT?
To register a shipment claim on the invoice in Ikomsoft, follow these steps: If you still have doubts about how to register a shipment claim...
How to delete a payment from an invoice in IKOMSOFT?
To delete a payment from an invoice in Ikomsoft, follow these steps: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to delete payments. Once the action...
How to upload a photo to an invoice in IKOMSOFT?
To upload a photo to an invoice in Ikomsoft, follow these steps: You will immediately see the photo you have attached. If you still have...
How to make a payment to an invoice in IKOMSOFT?
To make a payment to an invoice in IKOMSOFT, follow these steps: If you still have doubts about how to make a payment to an...
How to apply a discount to an invoice in IKOMSOFT?
If you need additional assistance, do not hesitate to contact our technical support department for help....
How to add content to a box in IKOMSOFT?
To add content to a box in IKOMSOFT, follow these steps: If you need assistance on how to add content to a box, please contact...
How to Calculate a Package by Measurement in IKOMSOFT?
To calculate a package by measurement in general, you should follow these steps: If you need additional assistance on how to calculate a package by...
How to Insert a Partial Product on an Invoice in IKOMSOFT.?
To insert an item partially into an invoice, you should follow the steps below: If you’re unable to complete these steps, please contact our support...